On your Windows machine one of the most used keys are ctrl+alt+del :P . On a Linux machine there is something called as top which gives you the processes that are running and you can terminate them (same as end task). But if you would like to configure ctrl+alt+delete then you can do that too.
Go to "System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
Enter the new Ctrl-Alt-Del: At the bottom of the "Keyboard Shortcuts" window, click on "Add", to add a new "Custom Shortcut" combination. (remove the old ctrl-alt-del if it is already assigned)
Name: Ctrl-Alt-Del (name it whatever you want)
Command: gnome-system-monitor
Click "Apply" and you're done!
Test it out by pressing "Ctrl-Alt-Del"!
If you still want to stick to the linux style which is awesome just start your terminal and type "top" and hit enter.
You will be shown the name of the process and its id (PID).. just note down that id (example :- PID=5277)
Then on the terminal type kill 5277 thats it...