tune2fs -c 0 -i 30 -j /dev/hda1
Before doing this try checking your file system by using the command df -T. After rebooting, running the command df -T again should confirm that you've been successful.
tune2fs -c 0 -i 30 -j /dev/hda1
grep 'ATOM ' pdbid.pdb>| atom.pdb
Name: Ctrl-Alt-Del (name it whatever you want)
Command: gnome-system-monitor
Say if you have a file with multiple peptides in a file and you want
to keep only one instance of each peptide.
This script would be of great use.
You could save it as removeduplicates.pl and run it as you run a
normal perl script.
@unique=grep{! $seen{$_} ++} @peptides;
print @unique;
If you want to print the output to a file , do the following
perl removeduplicates.pl > Outputfilename